lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

Adjetivos superlativos.

Forman el superlativo según el doble método seguido por los adjetivos:
soon = soonest / beautifully = most beautifully
Para formar el superlativo añadiremos al adjetivo -est, además el adjetivo irá precedido del artículo The.
Por ejemplo, al adjetivo old (viejo) le añadimos -est: the oldest (el más viejo/mayor)

My father is the oldest. (Mi padre es el más mayor)
My house is the largest. (Mi casa es la más grande)

Contesta las siguientes preguntas en inglés:

1. Who is the oldest person in your family?

2. How old is he/ she?

3. Who is the second oldest in your family?

4. Who is the youngest in your family?

Contesta las siguientes preguntas acerca de tus compañeros de clase:

1.- Who is wearing the most complete uniform today?

2.-Who has the curliest hair?

3.-Who has the longest name?

4.-Who has the largest shoe?

5.-Who has the nicest notebook?

6.-Who has the most brothers and sisters?

7.-Who brings the most books to class?

8. - Who is the best singer in the class?

9. - Who has studied english the longest?

10.-Who traveled the farthest to come to this school?


Read the ad and label the pets in the pictures.
We’re the biggest pet store in the area.
We have the most interesting selection of pets in town.
Puppies, kittens, rabbits, hamsters, canaries, tropical fish,
snakes, iguanas, and much, much more.
We have the best prices, too!

What does the ad say about…?
a) the size of the store?
b) the selection of pets?
c) the prices?

Listen to a radio program. Which pet is…?
1. the most popular? ___________________________________
2. the cheapest? ___________________________________
3. the easiest to take care of? ___________________________
4. the smallest? ___________________________________
5. the most unusual? ___________________________________

Complete the table and the sentences about the animal in the store.
big the ____________________________
Cheap the ____________________________
Interesting the ______________ _____________
Good the ____________________________
Popular the ______________ _____________
easy the ____________________________

1. Pete’s is_____________________________pet store in the area.
2. Cats are ____________________________ pets.
3. Hamsters are ________________________ pets.
4. Fish are ____________________________pets to take care of.
5. Iguanas are_________________________pets.
6. Dogs are ___________________________pets.

There are many animals that can be pets: dogs, cats, rabbits or even spiders.
Send us you answers to our pet questionnaire and you can win a prize.
 Which pet do you think is:
 The most boring?
 The most difficult to take care of?
 The easiest to take care of?
 The coolest?
Do you have a pet?
What do you have?
 The most boring?______________________________
 The most difficult ______________________________
 The easiest ___________________________________
 The coolest __________________________________
I have a ___________________________________________
I don’t have a pet.

John: What do you need here?
Peter: I want an English-Spanish dictionary.
John: Let’s go to ____________________.It’s on the ___________________floor.

Write your Shopping list and practice the conversation in exercise previous.
Real World: Stores in my town.
 Work in small groups. Complete the table with the names of store in your area.

The most expensive/ The coolest/ The most unusual
Women’s clothes
Men’s clothes

 Use the table to write a shopping guide to your area.

Trabaja en equipos de 4 personas. Encuentra los adjetivos en su forma comparativa y superlativa de la lista de palabras que se da los adjetivos pueden estar de manera horizontal, vertical, diagonal o de derecha a izquierda.

a) BEST.........BETTER........ FARTHER
b) FARTHEST...........................
c) LEAST .......LESS........ MORE.........
d) MOST.........WORSE....... WORST........ 

Adjetivos comparativos.

Adjetivos comparativos.

1. Añade "er" a los adjetivos que tienen una sílaba, como la palabra "big" (grande). Añadir "er" a los adjetivos de dos sílabas que terminan en "y", cambiando la letra "y griega" por una "i", como la palabra "happy" (feliz), que se convierte en "happier". Después de la forma adjetiva, añada "than."
Adjective + er + than

I am bigger than my sister. Soy mayor que mi hermana.

Sara is happier than Bob. Sara es más feliz que Bob.

A dentist is richer than his secretary. Un dentista es más rico que su secretaria.

Math is easier than English. Las matemáticas son más sencillas que el inglés.

Grandmother is older than grandfather. La abuela es más vieja que el abuelo.

2. Añade "more" cuando el adjetivo tiene dos o más sílabas, como la palabra "expensive". "more" se coloca delante del adjetivo y al adjetivo le sigue "than".
more + adjective + than

His car is more expensive than her truck.Su coche es más caro que su camioneta.

A rose is more beautiful than a daisy.
Una rosa es más bonita que una margarita.

Your office is more crowded than mine.
Su oficina está más llena de gente que la mía.

En forma individual, elaborar un listado de adjetivos que mejor describan a los miembros de su familia, incluyéndose ustedes mismos.








Contesta el siguiente ejercicio anotando en los espacios el adjetivo en su forma correcta.

1. Robert´s family live in a ___________( big ) house.

2. Henry is __________ (tall) and ________ (fat ) than javier.

3. Louisa, henry´s wife, is _________ (young ) and _________ (short ) than her husband.

4. Robert is _________ (thin ) than his brother.

5. Susy, the baby, is ____________(pretty) than her brothers.

Find and underline the comparative adjectives in the ad. What do they mean?

It’s small, it’s fast and it isn’t expensive!
$ 1,199

It’s very small, it’s very light, it’s superfast and it’s pretty!
$ 1,999

Find the opposites of these adjectives in the ad.
1. heavy______________________________
2. slow ______________________________
3. big _______________________________
4. ugly ______________________________
5. cheap______________________________

3. Listen and circle the words you hear. Then listen again and answer the questions.
More powerful
More expensive

1. Which computer does the boy prefer?
2. Does he want to buy a computer?
3. What does he want?

Complete (write) the table.


heavier (than)
better (than)
More expensive (than)

Father: That cell phone is good!
Daughter: Yes, but this one is better!
Father: That one is small.
Daughter: But this one is ___________________________!
Father: But it’s more expensive, so forget it!

Write a similar conversation about another product in the picture.
A. That MP3 player is good.
B: Yes, but this one is …

Read the messages and answer the questions.
1. Which message is an answer?
2. Which product does the writer recommend? Why?

I’m looping for a new laptop, but I don’t have a loto f Money.
I thing the Orange X is good. But what about the Super X?

I need a new cell phone. Is the Motola F23 better than the Sam X3? Help, please!

The Sami s more expensive than the Motola, but it’s lighter, smaller and more attractive. I think it’s better! So, buy the Sam!

Verbos irregulares.

• En la siguiente lista se incluyen todos los verbos irregulares ingleses. En ella se recoge el infinitivo y el presente (ambos tienen la misma forma, salvo que el infinitivo va precedido de la partícula "to"), así como el pasado simple y el participio.

• En algunos casos, el verbo tiene dos posibles formas en el pasado o en el futuro que aparecen indicadas. En otros casos, el verbo no tiene infinitivo (son algunos verbos modales y en la tabla aparecen sin partícula "to").

• Estos verbos no siguen una regla determinada, por lo que hay que aprenderlos de memoria. Al ser numerosos, entendemos que lo más práctico es irlos estudiando poco a poco (algunos de ellos apenas se utilizan).

Infinitivo/Presente Significado Forma pasada Participio
To stand soportar stood stood
To come up surgir came up come up
To wake despertar woke woke
To be ser / estar was been
To stand aguantar stood stood
To beat golpear beat beaten
To become llegar a ser became become
To happen ocurrir happened happened
To procreate procrear procreated procreated
To begin empezar began begun
To notice observar noticed noticed
To bend doblar bent bent
To grieve estar afligido grieved grieved
To keep asking preguntar con insistencia kept asking kept asking
To bet apostar betted / bet betted / bet
To bid ordenar bade bidden
To bid pujar bid bid
To bind atar bound bound
To bite morder bit bitten
To bleed sangrar bled bled
To blow soplar blew blown
To break romper broke broken
To breed engendrar bred bred
To bring traer brought brought
To broadcast retransmitir broadcast broadcast
To build construir built built
To burn quemar burned / burnt burned / burnt
To burst explotar burst burst
To buy comprar bought bought
Can poder could be able
To throw away arrojar / lanzar threw away thrown away
To catch coger caught caught
To chide regañar chid chidden
To choose elegir chose chosen
To cut cortar / romper cut cut
To cling agarrarse clung clung
To clothe vestir clothed / clad clothed / clad
To come venir came come
To cost costar cost cost
To creep deslizarse con sigilo crept crept
To sing cantar sang sung
To cut cortar cut cut
To dare desafiar dared / durst dared / durst
To deal tratar con dealt / delt dealt / delt
To dig cavar dug dug
To do hacer did done
To draw dibujar drew drawn
To dream soñar dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt
To drink beber drank drunk
To drive conducir drove driven
To live in habitar lived in livled
To eat comer ate eaten
To fall caer fell fallen
To feed alimentar fed fed
To feel sentir felt felt
To fight luchar fought fought
To find encontrar found found
To run away escapar ran away run away
To fling arrojar flung flung
To fly volar flew flown
To stop desistir stopped stopped
To forbid prohibir forbade forbidden
To forget olvidar forgot forgotten
To forgive perdonar forgave forgiven
To leave renunciar a algo left left
To freeze helar(se) froze frozen
To get coger got got
To make golden dorar made golden made golden
To fasten sujetar con cinturón fastened fastened
To give dar gave given
To go ir went gone
To grind moler ground ground
To grow crecer grew grown
To hang colgar hanged / hung hanged / hung
To have haber / tener had had
To hear oír heard heard
To hide esconder hid hidden
To hit golpear hit hit
To hold sostener held held
To hurt herir hurt hurt
To keep mantener kept kept
To kneel arrodillarse knelt knelt
To knit tejer knit knit
To know saber knew known
To lay colocar laid laid
To lead guiar led led
To lean inclinar leaned / leant leaned / leant
To leap brincar leaped / leapt leaped / leapt
To learn aprender learned / learnt learned / learnt
To leave dejar left left
To lend prestar lent lent
To let permitir let let
To lie echarse lay lain
To light encender lit lit
To lose perder lost lost
To make hacer made made
May poder might ----
To mean significar meant / ment meant / ment
To meet encontrar(se) met met
To mow segar mowed mowed / mown
Must deber had to ----
Ought deber ---- ----
To pay pagar paid paid
To put poner put put
To read leer read / red read / red
To rent alquilar rented rented
To rid eliminar rid rid
To ride montar (a caballo) rode ridden
To ring sonar rang rung
To rise subir rose risen
To run correr ran run
To saw serrar sawed sawed / sawn
To say decir said said
To see ver saw seen
To seek buscar sought sought
To sell vender sold sold
To send enviar sent sent
To set poner set set
To sew coser sewed sewed / sewn
To shake agitar shook shaken
Shall (auxiliar futuro) ----
To shear esquilar sheared / shore sheared / shorn
To shed perder (hojas) shed shed
To shine brillar shone shone
To shoe herrar shoed / shod shoed / shod
To shoot disparar shot shot
To show mostrar showed showed / shown
To shrink encoger shrank shrunk
To shut cerrar shut shut
To sing cantar sang sung
To sink hundir sank sunk
To sit sentarse sat sat
To slay matar slew slain
To sleep dormir slept slept
To slide resbalar slid slid
To sling lanzar (con fuerza) slung slung
To sneak deslizarse con sigilo snuck snuck
To slit cortar slit slit
To smell oler smelled / smelt smelled / smelt
To hit golpear hit hit
To sow sembrar sowed sowed / sown
To speak hablar spoke spoken
To speed acelerar speeded / sped speeded / sped
To spell deletrear spelled / spelt spelled / spelt
To spend gastar spent spent
To spill derramar spilled / spilt spilled / spilt
To spin dar vueltas spun spun
To spit escupir spat spat
To split dividir split split
To spread extender spread spread
To spring saltar sprang sprung
To stand levantarse stood stood
To steal robar stole stolen
To stick hincar stuck stuck
To sting picar stung stung
To stink oler mal stank / stunk stunk
To strew diseminar strewed strewed / strewn
To stride andar a zancadas strode stridden
To strike golpear struck struck
To string colgar algo strung strung
To strive esforzarse strove striven
To swear jurar swore sworn
To sweep barrer swept swept
To swell hinchar swelled swelled / swollen
To swim nadar swam swum
To swing balancearse swung swung
To take coger took taken
To teach enseñar taught taught
To tear rasgar tore torn
To tell decir told told
To think pensar thought thought
To thrive prosperar thrived / throve thrived / thriven
To throw tirar threw thrown
To thrust lanzar adelante thrust thrust
To tread pisar trod trodden / trod
To understand comprender understood understood
To undertake acometer undertook undertaken
To wake despertarse waked / woke waked / woken
To wear usar wore worn
To weave tejer wove woven
To weep llorar wept wept
To wet mojar wetted / wet wetted / wet
Will (auxiliar futuro) would ----
To win ganar won won
To wind dar cuerda wound wound
To wring retorcer wrung wrung
To write escribir wrote written

Verbos regulares.

act Acted Actuar
add Added Sumar, añadir
aid Aided Ayudar
arrest Arrested Arrestar
assist Assisted Ayudar
attend Attended Asistir, ir
address Addressed Dirigirse
advertise Advertised Anunciar
amuse Amused Entretener
approach Approached Acercarse
ask Asked Preguntar, pedir
accompany Accompanied Acompañar
accustom accustomed Acostumbrar
agree agreed Concordar
annoy annoyed Molestar
answer answered Responder
appeal applealed Atraer
appear appeared Aparecer
arrange arranged Arreglar, ordenar
arrive arrived Arribar
accompany accompanied Acompañar
accustom accustomed Acostumbrar
agree agreed Concordar
annoy annoyed Molestar
answer answered Responder
appeal applealed Atraer
appear appeared Aparecer
arrange arranged Arreglar, ordenar
board boarded Abordar
balance balanced Equilibrar
banish banished Desterrar
bark barked Ladrar
bless blessed Bendecir
brush brushed Cepillar
behave behaved Comportarse
belong belonged Pertenecer
beg begged suplicar, mendigar
believe believed Creer
boil boiled Hervir
breathe breathed Respirar
complete completed Completar
consist consisted Consistir
count counted Contar
close closed Cerrar
cook cooked Cocinar
crash crashed Chocar
cross crosssed cruzar
call called Llamar
care cared Cuidar
carry carried Llevar
change changed Cambiar
check checked Chequear
charge charged cargar, cobrar
clean cleaned Limpiar
climb climbed escalar, subir
comb combed Peinar
cover covered Cubrir
cry cried Llorar
crawl crawled gatear, arrastrarse
dance danced bailar
dress dressed vestir
dropp dropped dejar caer
dial dialed sintonizar, marcar
die died morir
declare declared declarar
delay delayed demorar
deliver delivered entregar
deny denied negar
dine dined cenar
dry dried secar
enclose enclosed incluir, encerrar
enjoy enjoyed disfrutar
engage engaged comprometer
envy envied envidiar
express expressed expresar
exclaim exclaimed exclamar
explain explained explicar
fail failed fracasar, fallar
fasten fastended abrochar
file filed archivar
fill filled llenar
fire fired echar del trabajo, disparar
follow followed seguir
frighten frightened espantar
fry fried freir
finish finished terminar
fish fished pescar
fix fixed fixed
gain gained ganar
guess guessed adivinar
help helped ayudar
hope hoped esperar, desear
happen happened suceder
hurry hurried apurar (se)
imagine imagined imaginar
iron ironed planchar
judge judged juzgar
kiss kissed besar
kill killed matar
laugh laughged reir
leak leaked gotear
like liked gustar
lock locked cerrar con llave
look looked mirar
mark marked marcar, señalar
milk milked ordeñar un animal
miss missed extrañar
manage managed manejar
marry married casar (se)
massage massaged masajear
measure measured medir
move moved mover
observe observed observar
offer offered ofrecer
open opened abrir
order ordered ordenar
peform performed ejecutar
phone phoned telefonear
plan planned planear
play played jugar, tocar
plough ploughed arar
pour poured derramar, verter
pray prayed orar
prefer prefered preferir
prepare prepared preparar
pull pulled tirar
park parked estacionar
pass passed pasar
pick picked recoger
please pleased complacer
polish polished pulir
practise practisd practicar
promise promised prometer
pronounce pronounced pronunciar
punish punished castigar
push pushed empuja
repeat repeated repetir
report reported reportar, informar
request requested solicitar, pedir
rest rested descansar
reach reached alcanzar
refuse refused rehusar
raise raised levantar
rain rained llover
realice realized darse cuenta
register registered matricularse, registrar
receive received recibir
Remain remained quedar, sobrar
Remenber remenbered recordar
Repair pepaired reparar
Require required requerir
Reserve reserved reservar, guardar
Row rowed remar
Resolve resolved resolver
Return returned retornar, volver
Search searched buscar, registrar
Save saved salvar
0serve served servir
settle settled arreglar, establecer
sign signed firmar
smile smiled sonreir
snow snowed nevar
spill spilled derramar
stay stayed permanecer, quedarse
study studied estudiar
suffer suffered sufrir
swallow swallowed tragar
slip slipped resbalar
smoke smoked fumar
stop stopped detener, parar
switch switched conectar, accionar
stretch stretched estirar
talk talked conversar
thank thanked agradecer
touch touched tocar, palpar
trap trapped atrapar
tire tired cansar, fatigar
train trained entrenar
travel traveled viajar
trouble troubled molestar
try tried tratar, intantar
turn turned girar, voltear
unpack unpacked desempacar
use used usar
visit visited visitar
wait waited esperar
want wanted querer, requerir
walk walked caminar
wash washed lavar
watch watched observar, mirar
wish wished desear, anhelar
work worked trabajar
wrap up wrapped up envolver
wreck wrecked naufragar
warm warmed calentar
warn warned advertir
water watered regar
weigh weighed pesar
whistle whistled silbar

Auxiliar could.

Could and might show there is a chance that something will happen in the future.
You could have an accident
You might get hurt

Use ought to to give advice and to show there is one correct way to do something.
You look tired. You ought to go home.
You ought to wear your seat belt all the time

Use have to to show that something is necessary.
You have to lock the door when you leave.

Use of Could: Past Possibility or Ability
We use could to talk about what was possible in the past, what we were able or free to do:
• I could swim when I was 5 years old.
• My grandmother could speak seven languages.
• When we arrived home, we could not open the door. (...couldn't open the door.)
• Could you understand what he was saying?
We use could (positive) and couldn't (negative) for general ability in the past. But when we talk about one special occasion in the past, we use be able to (positive) and couldn't (negative). Look at these examples:

Afirmativa My grandmother could speak Spanish.
Negativa My grandmother couldn't speak Spanish.

Could: Requests
We often use could in a question to ask somebody to do something. The use of could in this way is fairly polite (formal):
• Could you tell me where the bank is, please?
• Could you send me a catalogue, please?
Could is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb. We use could to:
• talk about past possibility or ability
• make requests
Structure of Could
subject + could + main verb
The main verb is always the bare infinitive (infinitive without "to").

My grandmother could swim.

She could not walk.

Could your grandmother her?

Would you mind making a copy for me? Polite and formal.
Could you look over this report? Polite and less formal.
Can you help me with this box? Polite and informal
Give me that! Very informal, or impolite.

• Would you mind is followed by a gerund.
• Can and could are followed by the base form.
• Use polite and formal language when talking with a boss or manager.
• Use polite or informal language when talking with coworkers.
• Use very informal or impolite language in an emergency or to show anger.

1. Etiqueta cada situación.
EXAMPLE: Can you answer that phone? Polite and informal
1 Would you mind reviewing my resume again? ____________________________
2 Can you help me with these reports?___________________________________
3 Call the boss right away?_____________________________________________
4 Can you come in early tomorrow morning?_______________________________
5 Would you mind changing your 2:00 appointment to 3:00?________________
6 Could you sign all three copies?______________________________________

2. Completa las respuestas. Algunas respuestas pueden usar Can or Could.
EXAMPLE: (lend me your goggles) To a friend:
Hey,Helen. Can you lend me your goggles?____________

1. (sign this check ) To your supervisor:
Oh, Ms. Reeves._______________________________________________please?
2. (open the door ) To a friend:
Say, Jose._________________________________________________for me?
3. (help me pick them up) To a stranger:
Oh no! I dropped all the reports.__________________________________________
4. (answer the phones) To your co – worker:
Oh, Arnie.__________________________________________while I’m at lunch?
5. (open the door ) To a friend: I’m in a hurry! ________________________________________________________

Used to.

I used to work
You used to work
He used to work
She used to work
We used to work
You used to work
They used to work

I didn’t use to work
You didn’t use to work
He didn’t 't use lo work
She didn’t 't use to work
We didn’t 't use to work
You didn’t use to work
They did 't use to work

Did I use to work?
Did you use to work?
Did he use to work?
Did She use to work?
Did we use to work?
Did you use to work?
Did they use to work?

En este tipo de oraciones Used to al verbo se le agrega aba, abamos, aba, aban.


I am used to work hard

I am used to drive hard

I used to work in a shop before of school. Yo trabajaba en un taller antes de la escuela

I didn’t use to work in a shop before school.

Did I use to work in a shop before of school?

1.- Escribe un párrafo en ingles de algo que te sea familiar o algo que acostumbrabas a realizar en tu juventud o en tu infancia.






In our family we _________ sing the hymns.
Francisco __________ smoke a lot
__________________ to do?
Are you __________ fast food?
He isn’t __________ living in New York
__________________ working hard.

Pasado simple.

Did + subject + principal verb (simple form) + complement.

Did + not + principal verb (simple form) + complement.







The past tense form of regular verbs is the same for all persons.
For most verbs ending in a consonant, add –ed: worked.
If the base ends in a vowel, add –d: lived.
If the base ends in a vowel + y, do not change the y: stayed.
For one-syllable verb ending in a consonant + vowel + consonant, double the final consonant and add –ed: stopped.


Did you exercise yesterday? Yes I did. No I didn´t
Did he have an earache? Yes he did. No he didnt
Did we buy any aspirin? Ýes we did. No we didn´t.

Wh- questions
Where did you play soccer yesterday?
How did she get to the docotor´s office?
When did they have an appointment?

I played soccer in the park
She took the bus.
They had an appointment.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb in the past tense.

1. They ________ (work) all day and only ________ (sleep) three hours a night.
2. Julio ________ (feel) bad so he ________ (call) the doctor.
3. The doctor ________ (say) to get rest. He also ________ (write) a prescription.
4. Tan ________ (be) strong because he ________ (exercise) a lot last year.
5. Maria ________ (go) to the gym every two days during the winter months.
6. Ana and Gilberto ________ (ride) bicycles every day this last summer.
7. I ________ (read) that it is good to eat three balanced meals a week.
8. We ________ (be) surprised that she ________ (have) a heart attack.
9. She ________ (run) every morning and ________ (rest) every afternoon.
10. The doctor ________ (talk) to her about her health.

B. Write sentences about the exercise you did last year.

C. Study Fernando’s health goals.
sleep 8 hours take a break
eat well

sleep 8 hours
go to the gym
eat well
walk to class

sleep 8 hours
run two miles
eat well
walk to class

sleep 8 hours
go to the gym
eat well
walk to class

sleep 8 hours
ride 8 miles
eat well
walk to class

sleep 8 hours
go to the gym
eat well

sleep 8 hours run two miles
eat well

D. Fernando was successful with his goals. Write what he did?

Fernando slept eight hours every night.

1. Completa cada oración con la forma en pasado del verbo.
EJEMPLO: (break) I broke my arm last week.

1. (drive) My brother _____________to the hospital.
2. (wake) You _____________up at 7:00
3. (go) You ______________to the doctor at noon.
4. (buy) Your parents________you some aspirin.
5. (come) They_____________to visit you.
6. (do) Teresa _________some exercise.
7. (eat) She ____________a healthy breakfast.
8. (sleep) Dan__________eight hours last night.
9. (take) He___________some vitamins.
10.(get) I ____________sick yesterday.
11.(say) my sister____________she was sick, too.
12.(drink) We_______________a lot of orange juice.

1. My brother hurts

2. You drive me to the doctor at noon.

3. The doctor says to take some medicine
4. I get the medicine from the doctor.

5. You read the directions

6. I drink two teaspoons of the syrup.


EJEMPLO: last year / did / when / see / the doctor / we
When did we see the doctor last year?

1. did / what / the doctor / say _____________________________________

2. pay / did / you / how______________________________________________

3. buy / Marina / where / did / the medicine_________________________

4. She / did / who / the pills / for / buy _______________________

5. smoking / when / your parents / did / stop ____________________________

6. every / did / why / exercise / day / they _____________________________